ONLINE Movement Offerings
New Year: New Experiences exploring Headstands, Handstands, and Inversions in an ONLINE 6-Week Series
When: Thursdays, February 20th through March 27th, 2025
Time: 7am-8am MST
Where: your space
How: Join live through Zoom and/or receive a recording
Do you need more variety of movement ideas for full body conditioning, flexibility training and support on your headstand and handstand journey. Are you open and curious about exploring the edges of your movement practice, your body and mind?
Each weekly class of this 6-week series builds on the previous class to support your journey getting upside down. This class is designed for beginning to intermediate level students that are able to comfortably hold a push-up or downward dog for at least 60 seconds. Some introductory experience in set-up for headstand and handstand is helpful. Additional challenges will be provided for intermediate students that are working on free-standing handstands.
Each 60-minute class will focus on a whole-body warm-up, drills to increase your foundational strength and body awareness in a variety of postures all building up to your expression of handstand or headstand. We will change the orientation of our bodies to gravity while in familiar shapes like lunge or straddle. We will use repetition to help calm our nervous system and will play with preparatory headstand or handstand drills at the wall to further develop awareness and postural control while upside down.
I look forward to seeing you upside down! Discover how flipping your movement practice upside down can be an incredible teacher and cross-trainer for life.
Good news! No one is ready for 60-minutes of handstands. Some experience of weightbearing through your hands is helpful (i.e. push-up position, Sun Salutations). We will focus on foundational strength building, tissue lengthening and repetition of shapes before we apply what we’ve learned to being upside-down. Modifications for headstand and forearm stand will be provided for individuals with wrist or hand injuries. There will be up to 10 minutes total spent in handstand or headstand per class. Given the ONLINE format, you are fully sovereign to choose to participate in all/some/none of the upside-down parts of this class.
Each class is designed to safely introduce you and your body to the world of handstands, headstands and other inversions.
Live participation is encouraged but not required. All participants will receive a copy of the class recording within 24 hours. Class recordings will be available to watch as many times as you’d like for 30 days after the class. If you are unable to participate live, you are welcome to e-mail your questions, practice videos and comments within a week of the class module.
You will need a device with a camera and microphone if you are participating live.
For the class, you’ll want at least 8 square feet of floor space and 4 to 6-feet of wall space that is free of furniture, kids, pets.
Optional equipment: yoga mat. 2 yoga blocks, furniture sliders for carpeted surfaces OR socks if on hard floor, resistance bands for additional strengthening.
This series is designed to build and grow with you. No single class drop-ins are offered.
Click the button to sign up for the series or reach out directly to Joanne at Registration for the series will close on February 20th.
Students attending live can log in 5-10 minutes prior to class starting. You will not be able to participate if you arrive to class after the starting time. If you have signed up for a class, you will receive a recording of the class regardless of live participation. There are no refunds for the series once purchased.
Reach out to Joanne at if you have questions about your participation or injuries you are working through.
Headstand, Handstand and other Inversion Foundational Classes
Five, 60-minute recorded classes to follow at your own pace and continue flipping your world upside-down!
Find your center, your core and explore how to stay in your balanced center as you move one or both hips and knees from straight to bent shapes. We will use a wall for these handstand or headstand shapes and play with how the flexibility in your lower body can impact your balance upside-down.
Building on the previous week’s focus on finding your center, we’ll focus on how to activate your deep core muscles on the floor in a hollow body shape. We will add active hamstring and gluteal exercises to make the “L” shape changing the effects of gravity on our bodies. We will explore how the length in our entire posterior chain impacts your balance in this shape.
Explore how to stay in your center while actively opening your hips. Straddle can be an “easier” shape to play with your balance. Let’s add some foundational core and hip strengthening to tie it all together.
Open your hips and feel how to actively use the strength of your legs to remain in your center. We’ll start to open our chest and shoulders to support how open our hips will be by the end of this session.
Putting it all together: the pike shapes ask for optimal strength and length while providing an opportunity to work on stacking your hips over your hands.
Do you already have a home practice and are looking for more movement ideas for fully body conditioning, flexibility training and support on your headstand and handstand journey. In these five classes, we will focus on building the strength, flexibility and the coordination needed to successfully achieve headstands, handstands and other inversions all at your own pace and space.
Each 60-minute recorded class will focus on a whole-body warm-up, drills to increase your foundational strength and body awareness in a variety of postures all building up to your expression of handstand or headstand. Each class provides opportunities to change the orientation of your body to gravity while in familiar shapes (i.e. lunge, straddle). Repetition is offered to help calm the nervous system. Multiple preparatory headstand or handstand drills will be provided at the wall to further develop awareness and postural control while upside down.
These foundational classes are designed for beginning or intermediate level students that are able to comfortably hold a push-up or downward dog for at least 60 seconds. Some introductory experience in setting up for headstand and handstand is helpful but not necessary. Additional challenges are provided for intermediate students that are working on free-standing handstands.
What you will receive: Five, 60-minute recordings focused on building up to a specific shape in each class. Unlimited access to these classes to support you on your journey to life upside-down.
What Equipment is Needed: at least 8 square feet of space is needed with access to a wall, yoga mat.
Optional equipment: 2 yoga blocks, furniture sliders for carpeted surfaces OR socks if on hard floor, resistance bands for additional strengthening.
I look forward to seeing you upside down! Discover how flipping your movement practice upside down can be an incredible teacher and cross-trainer for life.
All participants will receive a copy of the class recordings after purchase. Class recordings will be available to watch as many times as you’d like. The class content is creative property of Joanne at Holistic Therapy with Joanne, copyrights included. No refunds will be issued.