Returning Back to Your Heart Center: the Energetics of Division, Releasing and Rebooting
Contemplations and practical ways to return back to your own heart center, releasing that which is no longer resonant and rebooting old operational systems while we move through the energetics of division and divisiveness.
Can you identify the uniqueness in each ice crystal that was formed in the picture above?
I personally have to zoom in to see that level of detail and am blown away by the subtle to obvious variations in each ice crystal. That each crystals placement and design appear to be perfectly placed, shaped, even crafted, and that no two are exactly alike. It made me wonder if there ever was conflict among ice crystals because of their differences. I mean think about it. How ridiculous would it be if there was a fight between ice crystals because of their unique nature by design?
I have recently been reflecting on some of the strong feelings of like and dislike that have recently crept into my daily life. Whether it is a new food item that my mind has already determined it doesn’t like because it is unfamiliar or meeting someone for the first time and feeling a strong sense of liking them for no known reason. It made me pause and wonder where is the line between discernment and judgement? What biases do I hold that unconsciously or subconsciously drive judgement of the “other,” of the Self, of other people, places, events, and activities?
As I continue to shift, grow, and change into being the being I believe I was created to be, how can I lovingly hold firm boundaries and identify the people, places, events, activities and energies that are not resonate? And where can I soften my judgement to come back to my own heart center and release old, out-of-date biases, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings?
Read more from this transmission if you’d like additional perspectives on the energetics of division, divisiveness, and ways to return back to the true Self. And/or listen to the video recording to receive this message. I hope that it helps you recenter in your own center as we move through the end of 2024 and welcome in 2025.
The time in this moment is all about presence: the presence of Being, not of thinking, planning, or doing. To be still and receive from source, from yourself, from Earth herself. Attune, shift, shed, release, affirm that which these frequencies of light are bringing to and through the Earth.
This time of personal and collective reboot—where some of the operational systems from the past are in need of an upgrade. Where the pattern of accepting and keeping a belief system on your “home screen” has run its course, and it is now time for it to be uninstalled, deleted and moved to the trash. And… at the same time, scanning and sweeping your field for the energetic viruses and other microbes that interfere with your optimal function, regardless of their source, longevity, or even past purpose. It is a time to clean up your home screen and play with some of the new technologies that are available. For some, it will be literally tech, others light, sound, music, frequency, vibration. For each individual is here - in this moment, for this moment and to Be of this moment. Most of us have been focused to that which is outside of the Self—the people, the groups, the events, the activities, the material goods that energetically have taken up space on the home screen. What if this time of great pause and wonder was like a great reset and reboot as to what is home? This is not met in a literal sense, but when you sit with the question and look within, what do you ‘see’, know, feel, taste and smell? Not what the 1999 model would have answered, but right now, who are the people, the places, the events, the groups, the activities, the material goods that light you up and that you feel joy, peace, love? And then, turn inward and feel where in your body, how in your body, this illumination lands. Can you drop a metaphorical pin here to mark this sensation, this knowing, this remembering that you are a being filled with light, sound, frequencies and not the dense 1999 cellphone model with its out-of-date software that no longer offers tech support.
Your presence and ability to receive joy, light, peace, and love is the tech support needed for this reboot and rebuild. Some have outgrown the model they show the world, some have put so much bling and color on the outer covering that they cannot see that their device has gone to sleep and some have uncovered technology of the future that does not come with a user’s guide. Regardless of what you mind identifies as truth right now, trust the timing of all that is unfolding within you and around you.
In more recent years, there has been a discussion and disagreement over which technology is ‘the best’. Whether it is an Apple product, Android or other. Is anyone actually right? Perhaps they are right for them, their truth, where they are at with their programs. Do the groups of people that vow to only support Apple, or Android, or other companies disagree?... Yes! Do they put so much energy into hatred of the nebulous other—other technologies, other individuals, other groups-- that this hatred moves as the screensaver onto their home screen? Perhaps yes, for a small number of individuals. For most it is just a difference of opinion, beliefs, or programming. Where does the dislike for “the other” stem from? Stream from? What programs came with your technology that are running in the background and do not resonate with your current model, your present moment way of being? Where has this hatred for another even shifted inwards towards the self? These questions are not easily answered, but necessary to sit with at this time of great change and power. How do you reclaim the power within? The light, the frequency, the vibration that has always been you. How can you run the optimal present-day version of you free of out-of-date software, viruses and spotty dial-up internet connections?
Looking towards your energetic heart as one grand motherboard—the space that holds the truth of your creation, the area that contains the software and the hardware to support this next version of you. Know that in this metaphor all the tech support is programmed within you. Find the stillness that lies within. Hit the reset/restart button and welcome in this next future version of you. You are right where you are meant to be. Life will continue to provide the people, the groups, the events, the activities, the places, and the energies to reflect your ‘technologies’ back to you. Stay connected to your heart and feel how it illuminates the ‘device’ that is you!
In peace and love
Finding Center during Times of Change
Offering insight, contemplations and practical ways to stay centered during times of great change and transition.
May this time of change, of turns and bumps be part of your great reset- a calibration of truth with all that you are, have been and were. Stay quiet in thoughts and the stillness will calibrate you to what you ARE… a being of light created to share this light, weaving it through the tapestry of life. There is no room for fear in the light: only that which matches the frequency of light. Release any tension that is resisting this process and know that all eventually return back to light.
This time is unlike any other times on Earth. You were chosen for this time to help hold the light and wisdom. There will be others who are not present for the same experience- stay in the light. Choose to focus on the beings that hold a similar frequency of life, of light… your chosen family… the fractals that are you. Acknowledge any grief, sadness, or longing that may arise in the knowing that some individuals and groups are of a different fractal, a different frequency. Know that it is your spiritual family where you are most resonant, where you vibrate at a similar frequency. As you continue to awaken to all that you are, take moments of quietude to attune to the vastness of space, in nothingness, and to the wonders of life.
You are love. You are loved.
There will be a series of events, personal and global, that will support this process. Release your expectations of knowing the form these events will take and instead focus on accessing the light frequency on the other side of these events. Call in your future self and connect even deeper to ALL that IS. Stay connected to love, to all that is love, to what you love and that which brings you joy, peace, health, and satisfaction. Connect with your inner child that knows how to connect with these virtues. Choose to reconnect to this current of life: it will help illuminate a path.
Now is the time for deep internal work, for fall cleaning, for releasing anything that is old, outdated, heavy and no longer resonant. Just like deep cleaning a room can produce much debris/ gunk/ stink/ trash, this process can have its own ‘gunk’ that needs support and focus to clean it out and clear it. Some of the symptoms felt in the physical, mental, emotional, psychospiritual body are a part of this process. You can stay busy and act on old patterns, feeling as if your symptoms are stuck or slow to shift. Or choose to sit with what is arising, ask what is it here to teach you? What old stories, old thought forms, old ways of being does it represent?
This awareness is part of the process of releasing. Where do you need support in your process of release? Who are the people, places, activities, and ways of being that can support your process? You were designed to be a sensitive being of nature, by nature. Your sensitivity is calibrated to YOU. It helps illuminate the way and notify you when you are venturing ‘off course’, into that which is not resonant. Stay in the resonant zones. Stay resonant within. Call your future, resonant self in to light up your path.
In health,
The Joy of Creating
The JOY of Creating! How and why we create.
You are calibrating to all that IS. Not the illusion of what was or other potential timelines that were created along the way. Attune to your highest timeline and know that this time was created for you, through you, with you. Before you came into existence. Do not fight this process of energetic attunement for it is like swimming upstream. You are not a salmon at this point in time: there is no need to expend all of your life force swimming upstream to create. Flow with your life force, your energy. Feel the freedom that is available when you co-create your reality. Follow the currents where there is flow, grace, synchronicity, ease, joy and brilliance for it will “feed” you on your journey, further expanding your energy field and soul mission. Be in the current of love.
There will be a series of events—- as you read this, feel if there is any fear that arises—- feel it in your body, in your mind and know that this is part of your soul mission to feel the fear, the separateness from co-creating with the Universe and then choose to connect with the divine flow and re-connecting to the magic that you are. These events are happening through you, with you and for you, leading you to your Authentic Self. Feel if this brings up the fear of loss or other human emotions that accompany change and the cycles of loss. The cycles of death and rebirth are happening all around you at the same time. Humans have placed values on these cycles: celebrating the birth of a new being, the growth at springtime, and even the harvest in the garden. Most have yet to celebrate the necessary death energy that accompanies rebirth— to compost that which is no longer fertile or producing ‘fruits’. Trust the process of focusing on the joy of creating, of new growth, new experiences. Observe and lean into the times where it feels like much is being shed, released, and returned back to the Earth. There is a tendency to get stuck in focusing on this part of the cycle—of decay, death, destruction— Grieve as you need to release the old, that which no longer holds energetic nutrients for you and then tend to the fertilization of your garden, the planting of new seedlings. ‘Seeing’ all parts of this cycle as whole and complete instead of liking one part and disliking, even avoiding the others allows each to serve their purpose and ‘feed’ the next. The emotions of grief, sadness, and depression are heavy energies when they get stuck in your energy field. Use the creational energy of joy to infuse your system and allow these energies to move through you with non-attachment— there is a tendency on Earth to over or under identify with depression, sadness or other labels. Feel the windows of opportunity of change that grief provides— like a return of some of your vital life force— and use this energy to realign and recalibrate back to you. Create and be in the current of the love that you are and all that you were created to be. In peace.
The act of creating is less about what you create and more about creating in the present moment— for that is where the magic lies. Yes, you attract the vibrational matches to you, your creation(s), to the stage of life, and you move the energy of creation in you, through you to illuminate that which you are. The energetic “high” performers get after being onstage has been linked to a rush of endorphins and dopamine. When you create, regardless of what stage it is on, the act of creating is about moving energy, the charge through your systems, so that you may create anew. It is like dropping into your essential life force frequency to remember who you are. The illusion that when the shows ends, the piece is done, or the performance is over, you cannot experience this energetic high or connection. By being present, alive in the moment, aware of the ‘energetic charge’, there is an attunement to your essence, your native frequency. This process for some takes time. It can be compared to the amount of time and sunlight exposure needed to distill drinking water from the ocean. Some are not here to catalyze this change. You are here to use the light to shift that which is within and then ripple it out as an offering of creational fire. Just like the salt crystals that are extracted from the ocean water create and grow geometic shapes that refract light. You support life in this way as a creational being of goodness.
Coming back to the series of events— now feel how this moves through you, staying open and curious to what form they may take and how they will further crack to you open to receive even more light. To reconnect you back to a state of flow, of grace, of love in motion. Keep going. Keep creating. In Love.
On cultivating habits, patterns and ways of being that align with your future self.
Changing the wiring in the brain, body, and mind to cultivate habits, patterns and ways of being that align with your future self.
For most of us, what is familiar and habitual becomes more familiar, comfortable and habitual. There is an efficiency to our daily rhythm that requires less thought and often times, less presence to minimize the stress felt in the body and mind when we interrupt ingrained patterns. If you reflect on how you respond when the main route you take on your way home from work is closed or what happens in your day when you miss a part of your morning routine (i.e. coffee, meditation, emptying the dishwasher). If you are like most people, there is a disruption in the nervous system when our usual patterns are interrupted. For some it can manifest as agitation, for others it may be a decrease in ability to focus or even fatigue.
We can build resiliency in the nervous system when we consciously interrupt our habits and patterns: to make that which is unfamiliar, familiar. As we experience more opportunities to change and interrupt our habits, the brain no longer senses the same level of “threat” when there are big or small changes in our life. As the brain experiences graded exposure to unfamiliar thoughts, beliefs, habits, patterns and ways of being, it decreases the stress response we feel during these interruptions.
While there are many ways to create this pattern interrupt, knowing yourself and what life areas for you are the easiest and most tangible to create small, simple changes is a great place to start. For example, if you have a consistent morning coffee routine, can you change an aspect of this— the type of coffee, what you drink it in, who you are with when you enjoy it, or change the time of when you drink it. If you typically follow an audio recording to meditate, can you be in silence during your meditation or outside in nature? If you empty the bottom of a dishwasher first, can you start with the top? Small, daily changes help create new pathways in the brain and help us feel more confident to make larger changes in the future.
As a sensitive, empathic person, I have survived social situations by placing other’s needs and feelings above my own. I would often shift the energy in a room by being a goof or helping so that I was more comfortable. I am practicing interrupting my pattern of focusing on other’s needs and feelings first and placing them above my own by identifying and caring for my own needs at the beginning of the day and at regularly scheduled intervals throughout my day. While for others, this may seem trivial and as common sense, for me, it requires a more focused effort to show-up in a different way. There is some unease that I feel in my body as I interrupt this pattern that is now a familiar unease that accompanies times when I interrupt old patterns that are not a part of my future.
What habits, patterns and/or ways of being in your daily life feel aligned with your future?
Can you identify any habits, patterns or ways of being that need to be released to create space for the vastness that you are?
Why does focusing on my breath change how I feel?
For most of us, our breath happens without any conscious thought. Our inhales are followed by our exhales, and the cycle repeats throughout our life. Often we subconsciously change the depth and rate of our breath during periods of stress, deep concentration, or heavy exertion. When we consciously connect to our breath and change the rate and depth of our inhalation and our exhalation, or even invite a pause to occur, we are able to access our autonomic nervous system. In a way, focusing on our breath and changing it is a backdoor way to reset our sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight/freeze) and better access our parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest/relax).
Our parasympathetic nervous system wants to match the demands on the sympathetic system, but has a limit for how much it can “rev up”. When we are under stress for an extended period of time, our parasympathetic system cannot offer the same type of reset and our sympathetic nervous system remains in overdrive. This may show up as difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, inflammation and other symptoms. Both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are monitored by the vagus nerve. This nerve connects the brainstem to the body, allowing the brain to receive information from the nervous system and from the heart, liver and gastrointestinal system. When we take, deep, belly breaths, using our respiratory diaphragm, neurons in our body tell the vagus nerve that our blood pressure is getting too high, and the vagus nerve sends a signal to lower our heart rate. This in turn, helps us feel more relaxed and at peace with the present.
When we add our thoughts, our mind, to the breath practice, we are able to deepen this calm state by reminding our brain and body that there is no-need for a fight/flight/freeze response, helping downregulate our sympathetic nervous system. Manipulating the breath through meditation or other exercises is a practice and takes time to allow the mind and body to arrive into a state of stillness. Even for experienced individuals, there are days where thoughts arrive and challenge the focus of the practice. For me, breathwork and other meditative practices, are a daily reminder of the changing inner landscape of my physical body, mind and soul.