Returning Back to Your Heart Center: the Energetics of Division, Releasing and Rebooting
Can you identify the uniqueness in each ice crystal that was formed in the picture above?
I personally have to zoom in to see that level of detail and am blown away by the subtle to obvious variations in each ice crystal. That each crystals placement and design appear to be perfectly placed, shaped, even crafted, and that no two are exactly alike. It made me wonder if there ever was conflict among ice crystals because of their differences. I mean think about it. How ridiculous would it be if there was a fight between ice crystals because of their unique nature by design?
I have recently been reflecting on some of the strong feelings of like and dislike that have recently crept into my daily life. Whether it is a new food item that my mind has already determined it doesn’t like because it is unfamiliar or meeting someone for the first time and feeling a strong sense of liking them for no known reason. It made me pause and wonder where is the line between discernment and judgement? What biases do I hold that unconsciously or subconsciously drive judgement of the “other,” of the Self, of other people, places, events, and activities?
As I continue to shift, grow, and change into being the being I believe I was created to be, how can I lovingly hold firm boundaries and identify the people, places, events, activities and energies that are not resonate? And where can I soften my judgement to come back to my own heart center and release old, out-of-date biases, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings?
Read more from this transmission if you’d like additional perspectives on the energetics of division, divisiveness, and ways to return back to the true Self. And/or listen to the video recording to receive this message. I hope that it helps you recenter in your own center as we move through the end of 2024 and welcome in 2025.
The time in this moment is all about presence: the presence of Being, not of thinking, planning, or doing. To be still and receive from source, from yourself, from Earth herself. Attune, shift, shed, release, affirm that which these frequencies of light are bringing to and through the Earth.
This time of personal and collective reboot—where some of the operational systems from the past are in need of an upgrade. Where the pattern of accepting and keeping a belief system on your “home screen” has run its course, and it is now time for it to be uninstalled, deleted and moved to the trash. And… at the same time, scanning and sweeping your field for the energetic viruses and other microbes that interfere with your optimal function, regardless of their source, longevity, or even past purpose. It is a time to clean up your home screen and play with some of the new technologies that are available. For some, it will be literally tech, others light, sound, music, frequency, vibration. For each individual is here - in this moment, for this moment and to Be of this moment. Most of us have been focused to that which is outside of the Self—the people, the groups, the events, the activities, the material goods that energetically have taken up space on the home screen. What if this time of great pause and wonder was like a great reset and reboot as to what is home? This is not met in a literal sense, but when you sit with the question and look within, what do you ‘see’, know, feel, taste and smell? Not what the 1999 model would have answered, but right now, who are the people, the places, the events, the groups, the activities, the material goods that light you up and that you feel joy, peace, love? And then, turn inward and feel where in your body, how in your body, this illumination lands. Can you drop a metaphorical pin here to mark this sensation, this knowing, this remembering that you are a being filled with light, sound, frequencies and not the dense 1999 cellphone model with its out-of-date software that no longer offers tech support.
Your presence and ability to receive joy, light, peace, and love is the tech support needed for this reboot and rebuild. Some have outgrown the model they show the world, some have put so much bling and color on the outer covering that they cannot see that their device has gone to sleep and some have uncovered technology of the future that does not come with a user’s guide. Regardless of what you mind identifies as truth right now, trust the timing of all that is unfolding within you and around you.
In more recent years, there has been a discussion and disagreement over which technology is ‘the best’. Whether it is an Apple product, Android or other. Is anyone actually right? Perhaps they are right for them, their truth, where they are at with their programs. Do the groups of people that vow to only support Apple, or Android, or other companies disagree?... Yes! Do they put so much energy into hatred of the nebulous other—other technologies, other individuals, other groups-- that this hatred moves as the screensaver onto their home screen? Perhaps yes, for a small number of individuals. For most it is just a difference of opinion, beliefs, or programming. Where does the dislike for “the other” stem from? Stream from? What programs came with your technology that are running in the background and do not resonate with your current model, your present moment way of being? Where has this hatred for another even shifted inwards towards the self? These questions are not easily answered, but necessary to sit with at this time of great change and power. How do you reclaim the power within? The light, the frequency, the vibration that has always been you. How can you run the optimal present-day version of you free of out-of-date software, viruses and spotty dial-up internet connections?
Looking towards your energetic heart as one grand motherboard—the space that holds the truth of your creation, the area that contains the software and the hardware to support this next version of you. Know that in this metaphor all the tech support is programmed within you. Find the stillness that lies within. Hit the reset/restart button and welcome in this next future version of you. You are right where you are meant to be. Life will continue to provide the people, the groups, the events, the activities, the places, and the energies to reflect your ‘technologies’ back to you. Stay connected to your heart and feel how it illuminates the ‘device’ that is you!
In peace and love