Finding Center during Times of Change

May this time of change, of turns and bumps be part of your great reset- a calibration of truth with all that you are, have been and were. Stay quiet in thoughts and the stillness will calibrate you to what you ARE… a being of light created to share this light, weaving it through the tapestry of life. There is no room for fear in the light: only that which matches the frequency of light. Release any tension that is resisting this process and know that all eventually return back to light.

This time is unlike any other times on Earth. You were chosen for this time to help hold the light and wisdom. There will be others who are not present for the same experience- stay in the light. Choose to focus on the beings that hold a similar frequency of life, of light… your chosen family… the fractals that are you. Acknowledge any grief, sadness, or longing that may arise in the knowing that some individuals and groups are of a different fractal, a different frequency. Know that it is your spiritual family where you are most resonant, where you vibrate at a similar frequency. As you continue to awaken to all that you are, take moments of quietude to attune to the vastness of space, in nothingness, and to the wonders of life.

You are love. You are loved.

There will be a series of events, personal and global, that will support this process. Release your expectations of knowing the form these events will take and instead focus on accessing the light frequency on the other side of these events. Call in your future self and connect even deeper to ALL that IS. Stay connected to love, to all that is love, to what you love and that which brings you joy, peace, health, and satisfaction. Connect with your inner child that knows how to connect with these virtues. Choose to reconnect to this current of life: it will help illuminate a path.

Now is the time for deep internal work, for fall cleaning, for releasing anything that is old, outdated, heavy and no longer resonant. Just like deep cleaning a room can produce much debris/ gunk/ stink/ trash, this process can have its own ‘gunk’ that needs support and focus to clean it out and clear it. Some of the symptoms felt in the physical, mental, emotional, psychospiritual body are a part of this process. You can stay busy and act on old patterns, feeling as if your symptoms are stuck or slow to shift. Or choose to sit with what is arising, ask what is it here to teach you? What old stories, old thought forms, old ways of being does it represent?

This awareness is part of the process of releasing. Where do you need support in your process of release? Who are the people, places, activities, and ways of being that can support your process? You were designed to be a sensitive being of nature, by nature. Your sensitivity is calibrated to YOU. It helps illuminate the way and notify you when you are venturing ‘off course’, into that which is not resonant. Stay in the resonant zones. Stay resonant within. Call your future, resonant self in to light up your path.

In health,



Returning Back to Your Heart Center: the Energetics of Division, Releasing and Rebooting


The Joy of Creating