The Joy of Creating

You are calibrating to all that IS. Not the illusion of what was or other potential timelines that were created along the way. Attune to your highest timeline and know that this time was created for you, through you, with you. Before you came into existence. Do not fight this process of energetic attunement for it is like swimming upstream. You are not a salmon at this point in time: there is no need to expend all of your life force swimming upstream to create. Flow with your life force, your energy. Feel the freedom that is available when you co-create your reality. Follow the currents where there is flow, grace, synchronicity, ease, joy and brilliance for it will “feed” you on your journey, further expanding your energy field and soul mission. Be in the current of love.

There will be a series of events—- as you read this, feel if there is any fear that arises—- feel it in your body, in your mind and know that this is part of your soul mission to feel the fear, the separateness from co-creating with the Universe and then choose to connect with the divine flow and re-connecting to the magic that you are. These events are happening through you, with you and for you, leading you to your Authentic Self. Feel if this brings up the fear of loss or other human emotions that accompany change and the cycles of loss. The cycles of death and rebirth are happening all around you at the same time. Humans have placed values on these cycles: celebrating the birth of a new being, the growth at springtime, and even the harvest in the garden. Most have yet to celebrate the necessary death energy that accompanies rebirth— to compost that which is no longer fertile or producing ‘fruits’. Trust the process of focusing on the joy of creating, of new growth, new experiences. Observe and lean into the times where it feels like much is being shed, released, and returned back to the Earth. There is a tendency to get stuck in focusing on this part of the cycle—of decay, death, destruction— Grieve as you need to release the old, that which no longer holds energetic nutrients for you and then tend to the fertilization of your garden, the planting of new seedlings. ‘Seeing’ all parts of this cycle as whole and complete instead of liking one part and disliking, even avoiding the others allows each to serve their purpose and ‘feed’ the next. The emotions of grief, sadness, and depression are heavy energies when they get stuck in your energy field. Use the creational energy of joy to infuse your system and allow these energies to move through you with non-attachment— there is a tendency on Earth to over or under identify with depression, sadness or other labels. Feel the windows of opportunity of change that grief provides— like a return of some of your vital life force— and use this energy to realign and recalibrate back to you. Create and be in the current of the love that you are and all that you were created to be. In peace.

The act of creating is less about what you create and more about creating in the present moment— for that is where the magic lies. Yes, you attract the vibrational matches to you, your creation(s), to the stage of life, and you move the energy of creation in you, through you to illuminate that which you are. The energetic “high” performers get after being onstage has been linked to a rush of endorphins and dopamine. When you create, regardless of what stage it is on, the act of creating is about moving energy, the charge through your systems, so that you may create anew. It is like dropping into your essential life force frequency to remember who you are. The illusion that when the shows ends, the piece is done, or the performance is over, you cannot experience this energetic high or connection. By being present, alive in the moment, aware of the ‘energetic charge’, there is an attunement to your essence, your native frequency. This process for some takes time. It can be compared to the amount of time and sunlight exposure needed to distill drinking water from the ocean. Some are not here to catalyze this change. You are here to use the light to shift that which is within and then ripple it out as an offering of creational fire. Just like the salt crystals that are extracted from the ocean water create and grow geometic shapes that refract light. You support life in this way as a creational being of goodness.

Coming back to the series of events— now feel how this moves through you, staying open and curious to what form they may take and how they will further crack to you open to receive even more light. To reconnect you back to a state of flow, of grace, of love in motion. Keep going. Keep creating. In Love.


Finding Center during Times of Change


On cultivating habits, patterns and ways of being that align with your future self.